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2024 Exhibit Gallery 1

June, 2024 Art of Modeling Figurative Exhibit Group Show-

Breaking Boundaries of Body Exclusivity


This exhibit features figurative artists Erica Podwoiski, Renee Patrick Martinez, Megan Morgan, MJ Star, and David Osburn who are breaking down the boundaries of body exclusivity in art.  Historically, the models depicted in art have been overwhelmingly white, thin, able-bodied, and cis-gendered individuals. These artists and their models are paving the way toward equal representation of marginalized populations in art.


Boutique fine art modeling agency, Art of Modeling believes that all body shapes, sizes, colors, ages and genders are worthy of representation in works of art and is a proponent of increasing the accessibility of figure modeling as an artistic profession to community members who identify as underrepresented in fine arts.  We aim to send a wide variety of fine art models into studios and classrooms across Colorado's front range in order to provide professional fine artists and students of art with a diverse range of bodies to depict in their work.  



2024 Exhibit Gallery 2 

Photographs by Dona Laurita @donalaurita 

Courtesy of NoBo Art District @noboartdistrict  

Copy of First Annual Figurative Exhibit

May, 2021 Art of Modeling Figurative Exhibit Group Show


Please join us during the month of May

to view Art of Modeling's first Figurative Exhibit featuring Robyn Cochran Ragland, Elaine Waterman, William Yu, Connie Ruel, Denise Chaudhari and Ileana Barbu.


A formal opening will be held in the NoBo Art District on First Friday, May 7th from 7pm-9pm at the Gallery at the Bus Stop Apartments 4895 Broadway St.  


The Gallery will be open regularly on Thursdays from 3-6pm, Fridays 3-6pm and Saturdays 1-6pm.  Personal viewings may also be scheduled. To request an appointment please contact Karen,


The NoBo Art District will be holding a member group figurative show coinciding with Art of Modeling's at the NoBo Art Center.


Art of Modeling will be holding a weekly uninstructed figure drawing opportunity weekly on Mondays at the NoBo Art Center beginning in May.


Art of Modeling will also be offering Plein air figure drawing offering beginning in May as well.  


I am forever pulled to the simplicity and complexity of the human figure. I attempt to capture a pose quickly and fluently. The gesture is so personal, so close and I am so very aware of its image. I, therefore, feel that I must work within the confines of the figure again and again. 

-Robyn Cochran Ragland



Live model drawings for artists are akin to first drafts for writers.  The time limit of a live pose does not allow for planning, revision, or judgment and this is its appeal for me. Much like a meditative process, it requires the artist to be completely present.  

– William Yu

2021 Exhibit Gallery

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